Taking on Heart Disease: My Path to Better Health

Taking on Heart Disease: My Path to Better Health

It has been 8 years since I was diagnosed with Heart Disease (Coronary Artery Disease). My blood tests were mostly normal and there were no real red flags. And yet, there I was: at the 98th percentile of calcification of my arteries for my age.

Once I was over the initial shock, I realized I was actually incredibly lucky. Cardiovascular disease accounts for more deaths (32%) than the next 4 biggest causes of death combined (all the cancers, respiratory disease, diabetes and dementia). According to Stanford Health, among South Asians, heart attacks are happening earlier (25% of heart attacks occur under age 40, and 50% occur under age 50) and with higher mortality rates (there is a 40% higher chance of mortality from heart attacks among South Asians than the average population).

It led to me making a lot of changes to my lifestyle (food, exercise, sleep) in ways that did not require me to give up eating and doing all the things I love. To ensure my changes were medically, scientifically and nutritionally sound, I worked very closely with a number of amazing clinicians, dietitians and exercise trainers.

I am sharing a few of the improvements I have seen in my health parameters through this journey to demonstrate how effective these changes have been while being quite simple to implement. Moving forward, I will share my learnings and observations on these interventions through my GeneClinicX Instagram account and on my LinkedIn account, that I hope can help those of you that are looking for sustainable and fun ways to stay or become healthy. Your feedback and questions are very welcome!
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Hitesh Shetty: This is real cutting edge real-world innovation. Also love that you have taken dog fooding to Healthcare instead of finding a Guinea pig to trial.

Nickhil Jakatdar: Thanks Hitesh. Better to lead by example!!

Hitesh Shetty

Mangesh Panditrao: What is amazing is that you not only turned around your health stats but motivated a lot of people like me to do the same. Making health a priority is extremely important! Thanks for sharing Nickhil!

Nickhil Jakatdar: Mangesh thank you. That is an amazing compliment! And excited to see the translation of the health improvements into seeing you more on the soccer field among other benefits.

Mangesh Panditrao

Arati V Rao: What’s really interesting is your BMI was normal but you were a “skinny fat” person with more visceral fat than you have now. HDL is a tough one for us Indians. Genetically we have much lower levels.

Nickhil Jakatdar: You are absolutely right Arati! Initially I found that very hard to understand but it’s probably the issue that leads to many of us not being able to see it coming.

Arati V Rao

Kathy Hovsmith: Grateful and pleased to see your positive results! 🎉 Looking forward to learning more about your methods – thx!

Nickhil Jakatdar: Thank you Kathy

Kathy Hovsmith

Samardeep Subandh: This is an unreal change in health metrics! Since I have seen this closely I must say there’s a lot all of us can learn from your experience 👏

Nickhil Jakatdar: Thanks Samardeep. You have had a front row seat to this journey. Thanks for supporting my often weird requests to be a guinea pig as I test out various interventions on you.

Samardeep Subandh

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